

Батарея салютов комбинированная разнокалиберная.

Калибр 1 — 1,2″.

308 выстрелов.

Время работы 100 сек.


Row 1-3 (fan): red tiger tail, green tiger tail, time rain tail;
Row 4-7: blue tail brocade crown, blue tail to blue pearl red and green leaves, whistle;
Row 8-9 (Fan): time rain tail;
Row 10 (W-shape): green tail brocade crown, red tail red coco white strobe;
Row 11 (W-shape): green tail brocade crown, green tail green coco white strobe;
Row 12-15: red tail red pearl chrys, green tail green pearl chrys; red, whistle;
Row 16 (fan): crackling mine to red strobe crackling willow; Row 17 (fan): time rain coco; Row 18 (fan): crackling mine to crackling chrys.